
Thursday, April 29, 2010

"expensive" is relative

So I dropped off the face of the virtual world for awhile (at least on this site), but I am back. And changed some things. Take a look around.

Really I just wanted to share one thing that I realized. A few weeks ago after I met with Barbara from Building New Hope, I stopped by Whole Foods, that oh-so-tantalizing haven of foods I can't seem to afford, and bought a pound of BNH's organic, fair trade, shade grown Nicaraguan coffee. It was about $12-13 if I remember right (on their website it's $11--Whole Foods obviously marks it up), and I couldn't help cringing as I held my debit card over. I buy fair trade coffee, but it's from TJ's and is usually about $8 a pound. When I told my dad the price of this coffee, the first thing he said was, of course, "Wow, that's expensive."