Funny--I posted about contaminated chicken today before I read Lukas's comment on my post about buying locally, in which he talked about health risks from eating overly processed foods.
This is definitely, definitely a concern for the conscious organic/local buyer, and one I meant to address more explicitly by now, instead of just in ambiguous references to the chemicals that are put in our food. Unfortunately I don't have the time right now to go into it, but will leave you with this: a trailer to a documentary that came out this past summer called Food Inc. While very propaganda-y and one-sided, it is eye-opening as to the present grip corporate agribusiness has on America and all the different ways it affects us: economically as buyers, as workers in these slaughterhouses, our relationship with animals, our health and weight, our relationship with farmers.... I could go on. And will, later, I promise.
Looks like a cool documentary. Have you seen it? I'd be interested to see what you have to say about it, but I think if I can find an hour or two sometime in the next week or so I'd like to watch it.
ReplyDeleteI'd really like to start buying more organic foods, and I try when I can, but it can be very hard on the wallet, especially for a college kid. I will say, though, that I'm always looking at labels and putting down stuff that contains "bad things" (i.e. high fructose corn syrup).