It got up to 48 degrees today. I knew as soon as I woke up this morning ("morning") that it had to be warm because I had kicked off my comforter sometime in the night. (My apartment's heat, uncontrolled by me, rises with the temperature outside. It's sorta weird, and the opposite of what I'd like, but hey, I only pay 20 bucks a month for it so I'm not complaining.) Got up and found a package on my doorstep, my running shoes that I had left at my mom's over winter break. Thought, okay, God is telling me to go running. But then I remembered I had a hair appointment in a half hour, and every girl knows that you can't mess up that fresh-cut hair do by getting sweaty. (It's not everyday my hair smells like a $30 grapefruit.) So I didn't go.
But tomorrow! Tomorrow is another slightly warm day! I'm excited. I actually have been working out quite regularly, at home and at the Pete (where there are lines for the ellipticals and treadmills at basically all hours of the day, a concept that after 2 1/2 years at this school I just discovered. It sucks.) But I miss running and taking in what there is to see in Shadyside. Smiling at dogs on leashes and at babies in strollers.
I should not be on here, seeing as it's 3:30 am, but I took a long nap at like 5 pm and am a little wired yet slightly incoherent which of course are ideal conditions for writing. Crap. (And no, not drunk. Except at this point that would probably only help with this insomnia...)
Aww Kayla I totally understand :( hopefully the rain will stop and you can run in half way decent weather soon! :)