
Monday, January 11, 2010

snowrunners in shadyside!

I would just like to note the abundance of ballsy wintertime runners in the Shadyside/Squirrel Hill area (and how much their ballsiness makes me intensely aware of my lack thereof. Really, how does one decide that it is a splendid and appealing idea to go into the icy wilderness and put unskinned knees and perfectly intact ankles in peril, all in the good name of health and exercise? Power to them I guess, but I'm still going to be bitter and jealous while I do my yoga and Jillian Michaels workouts inside.)

Since I moved here last May, I've noticed more runners around Shadyside than, say, in Oakland, but thought that it might just be wishful imagining. But now both my dad and sister have commented on it when they've visited. And just an hour ago, driving home from a meeting on campus, I saw 4 separate runners on 5th. It was almost 10 p.m. and lightly snowing and 20 degrees. My tires were skidding. Their little tootsies could not have been better off.

(Just because this is about snow and Shadyside, and I haven't posted a pic in a while, here is one of the view from my apartment after the first big snow. The percentage of the picture that consists of naked tree branches should give you an idea of just how greeeeen this view is during the spring/summer. Ahhh. Green's a therapeutic color, you know.)


  1. I lived in Shadyside for two years, mostly because of the running. I used to run from Oakland through Shadyside the first two years when I was on campus, then when my friends and I moved off campus we thought, why not move to where we run anyway? So we did. I'm desperately trying to find a room to rent in Shadyside for when I move back (I don't want to be stuck running around Point Breeze where my boyfriend lives) for too long til I can find a place.

    Is it getting any warmer? Have you been able to run outside yet?

  2. Ahhh no it's been snowing like mad. When are you moving back?

  3. 8 weeks! I still need to find a job and a home, so that seems really soon (mid-March is the plan).
